In Probate/Succession, General Estate Planning

When a loved one passes away, the grief is often overwhelming and exhausting. The stress and shock can make it seem nearly impossible to even sleep or eat, much less do more involved things. Baton Rouge probate lawyers understand that you don’t feel like tackling the legal or financial tasks that must be handled after a loved one  passes. Although delegating some of these tasks to others may help lighten your emotional load, the majority  will still need to be done by those closest to the deceased.

If you’re struggling to remember everything that may be expected of you after the loss of a loved one, you may find this checklist helpful.

Make Notifications and Hire a Funeral Director

The most immediate steps that need to be taken after loss are notifying family members, friends, and others closest to the deceased. Then, contact a funeral director near you or wherever your loved one lived. A funeral director can work with you and your family to make the necessary arrangements such as  publishing an obituary, obtaining the death certificate, setting up memorial services, and handling the burial or cremation. If the deceased was a member of the military, the Veterans Administration can work with the funeral director on any resources or benefits available to the family.

Hire Baton Rouge Probate Lawyers

An attorney who handles probate and successions in Baton Rouge can guide your family through the steps  needed over the next several weeks or months. If the deceased left a will, your  Baton Rouge probate lawyers will make sure that the estate is properly administered. Your attorney can also help you obtain copies of the necessary legal documents that you may need to gain access to property or records.

Close Accounts

Make a list of your loved one’s accounts such as cell phone plans, car insurance, internet or cable service, and any type of monthly memberships or subscriptions. Start making phone calls to have these accounts canceled. In some cases, this task can be handed off to other family members, but some companies may require authorization from a legal representative or documentation such as a copy of the death certificate. Let credit bureaus and credit card companies and financial institutions know about the death so that they can close  accounts, prevent any automatic payments from being withdrawn, and make arrangements to discuss payment of outstanding balances if necessary.

Review Insurance and Benefits

Contact your loved one’s employer for information about  any benefits your loved one had, such as life insurance and 401k plans. Some employers also provide certain types of insurance to their employees and their spouse or children, including accidental death insurance. Retirees may also have benefits left from former employers that need to be distributed to their beneficiaries.

File Taxes and Pay Balances

Some debts may be canceled upon the death of the individual. For example, federal student loan debt is discharged by the government but student loans from private financial institutions may still need to be paid. The deceased’s taxes, including income and property, may still need to be filed and paid. If the decedent was entitled to a refund of their income taxes, those funds should be included as part of the estate and distributed.

Review Your Own Estate

 After the death of a loved one, it may be a good time to review your own estate plan. This is particularly important if you inherited a significant amount of property or assets from the decedent. Make sure your choices for beneficiaries, trustees, executors, and guardians are still appropriate. Consult with your estate planning attorney to see if any changes in tax laws impact your estate plan, and make changes accordingly. 

Getting Help

Of course, if you need any help with any of the steps listed in this article, our Baton Rouge probate lawyers are here to offer support and guidance. Please feel free to contact our Baton Rouge probate lawyers at (225) 744-0027 to schedule a consultation.

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