Elder law and estate planning serve two different — but equally vital — functions. The main difference is that elder law is focused on preserving your assets during your lifetime, [...]
During his lifetime, former Governor Edwin Edwards was a legend. In death, he is also likely to become a legend in Louisiana law circles for at least one reason. That reason is Louisiana’s forced [...]
It may come as no surprise that in April of 2020, the phrase “self-care” hit its peak popularity as a Google search term. Prior to 2016, self-care hadn’t yet entered the collective consciousness, [...]
Directed trusts can be a useful estate planning tool, allowing you to place your family’s assets in a trust but benefit from the expertise of an advisor who knows more about the handling of [...]
Do you have a will? A durable power of attorney? A health care proxy? If so, no reason to read on. If not, why not? Failure to create an estate plan risks causing discord in your family for [...]
More and more of the music, movies, and books we own exist only online, in digital form. What happens to these collections after the owner dies? Surprisingly, while you may want your heirs to [...]
When my daughter moved to Texas and began to build her own family, she never imagined that family would include four dogs. When she decided to move home, she and her husband packed up their [...]
To qualify for Medicaid coverage of long-term care, you must satisfy very complicated financial eligibility rules—rules that often can be traps for the unwary. One of the most significant traps [...]
Most months, this column is a space to share best practices and tips on how to build your estate and plan for its transfer to your loved ones upon your death. Despite all of our well-made plans, [...]
Long-term care involves not only a loss of personal autonomy; it also comes at a tremendous financial price. Proper planning can help your family prepare for the financial toll and protect assets [...]