According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), hearing loss affects one-third of older adults. As difficulty hearing can lead to communication challenges and social withdrawal, it can also [...]
Safe housing that meets older adults’ needs is essential to healthy aging in communities. Many seniors with low, fixed incomes struggle to balance housing expenses with the costs of health care, [...]
Many adult children wonder what their aging parents may need and how can they can help provide it for them. You may constantly worry about your parents or other older loved ones, especially if [...]
Long-term care for seniors is always evolving. One possible next step for you or your loved one may be geriatric care.You may be wondering: What does this type of care entail? Is it any different [...]
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently started to focus on finding ways to support family caregivers by assisting them with resources to maintain their health, [...]
Seniors who have an income above the Medicaid threshold but lack a high enough income to have substantial personal savings are considered “The Forgotten Middle.” These are elders who are more [...]
Do you know what could happen to your assets if your spouse ever needs to go into a long-term care facility? There are a lot of misconceptions out there about Medicaid asset and income [...]
Caregivers for elderly loved ones can easily become burned out and exhausted. Oftentimes, they’re responsible for their loved one and their own children, as well as maintaining a household and a [...]
On the heels of a very rough month for our country, scammers are now coming out of the woodwork in an attempt to defraud individuals and vulnerable senior citizens who are isolated and [...]