What You Need to Know Before Your Child with Disabilities Becomes a Legal Adult

Discover how to legally stay in control of your child’s financial and medical affairs after age 18, access public benefits, keep your child as independent as possible and provide for a lifetime of care—even after you are gone someday.

Thursday, July 30th, 6:00 pm

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groupWhen a child with disabilities approaches age 18, parents and caregivers often find themselves surprised and overwhelmed to learn that they will soon lose the legal right to manage their child’s affairs or make key medical and financial decisions on the child’s behalf.  Special Needs Planning is critical to ensure that parents can stay in control, and access key benefits/resources that will be necessary to ensure a smooth transition into adulthood and beyond.

Parents, grandparents and caregivers of children with disabilities are invited to attend a FREE educational workshop with attorney Linda Melancon where they will learn how to navigate the complicated world of special needs planning in order to make the best decisions and prepare for the future, including:

  • How to determine if your child needs a full or limited Interdictionwith the local courts, or possibly a less intrusive alternative, to enable you to retain the legal ability to make medical, financial and personal decisions when your child with disabilities becomes a legal adult.
  • How to use ABLE Accounts if your child will be a semi-independent adult, so he or she can manage money and accumulate some savings without jeopardizing benefits eligibility.
  • How to prepare the “next in line” caregivers to manage your child’s affairs if you ever become sick, disabled or pass away and can no longer provide care.We’ll show you legal tools to utilize (i.e. Living Trusts, Special Needs Trusts) so you can have the peace of mind knowing your child will always be cared for the way you want and that their future security is not jeopardized because of money mismanagement or misunderstanding of the role.
  • Easy ways to “fund” a lifetime of care for your child. We’ll show you how to utilize solid legal tools, financial strategies and insurance to ensure your child is financially secure both now and well into adulthood.


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Thursday, July 30th, 6:00 pm

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