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Legacy Estate & Elder Law of Louisiana is excited to host a Long-Term Care seminar for you!

Attorney Linda S. Melancon with Legacy Estate & Elder Law and financial advisor Kayla Grodi will be discussing the facts, the myths, and the realities of long-term care, as well as the long-term care insurance options available to you and how this tool can be an important addition to your estate plan.

These seminars will take place March 27th, 2025.
The afternoon seminar will be presented at Noon in Baton Rouge at Drusilla Seafood Restaurant. The evening seminar will be presented at 6 PM in Prairieville at Mike Anderson’s.

Please fill out the form below and select which event you’d like to attend to RSVP. You should receive a confirmation email letting you know you’ve been signed up.


In this seminar, you will learn:

  • Why the insurance you have now (including Medicare!) will NOT cover expenses related to long-term care.
  • How to discover which assets are exempt from Medicaid and which are at risk of being seized or sold to offset long-term care costs (and how to protect assets from being lost in the first place!)
  • The TRUTH about giving away assets to qualify for Medicaid and common gifting mistakes that could put your family on the hook financially or push back your eligibility to qualify for Medicaid by months or even YEARS!
  • How wartime veterans (and their spouses) can access additional, non-service-connected benefits through the Veteran’s Administration to help pay for long-term costs.
  • How placing your assets in the RIGHT kind of Trust can help legally “shield” everything you’ve worked so hard for.
  • Why long-term care insurance may be the right option for your planning
  •  ….and more!

Proper planning can help you protect your independence, preserve your dignity, and stay in full control as you age. Join us for this educational event where we’ll share ideas and strategies to help you prepare for the future.



No legal, tax, or financial planning advice will be provided. Legacy Estate & Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC and Sapphire Financial are separate entities.




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