Does Your Loved One Need Help Caring for Themselves? If So, Are You Prepared?

It can be overwhelming when you realize that your loved ones are no longer capable of properly caring for themselves or others. Fortunately, there are resources and professionals to point you in the right direction.

At Legacy Estate & Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC, we have helped many families in this situation. Take the first step in finding out the things you need to do if your loved one is losing the ability to take care of themselves or their finances by downloading our FREE Elder Care Help checklist.

Your checklist includes:

  • Signs to look for that may indicate your loved one is having trouble taking care of themselves
  • A list of documents you need to protect your loved one
  • Your options if your loved one has lost the ability to care for themselves




elder care checklist

Enter your name and e-mail address to gain access to your checklist NOW.



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