Click the image to download the document.

You can find on this page:

  1. a handout of the presentation with space for taking notes;
  2. your Confidential Special Needs Planning Worksheet
  3. more information about our firm and the work we do
  4. an article covering the most important steps to take when your special needs child turns 18
  5. an article with insights on how to make sure your special needs child doesn’t lose their estate plan benefits
  6. an article about life events that should be discussed with your special needs attorney
  7. an article with tips on how to make distributions to a special needs trust


SPSP Presentation Handout

spsp handout

Estate Planning Worksheet

ep worksheet

About Legacy Estate & Elder Law

about leel

7 Steps for When Your Special Needs Child Turns 18

7 things to do screenshot 1

Make Sure Your EP Doesn't Put Your Child At Risk

estate plan risk screenshot 1

5 Times to Call Your Special Needs Attorney

five events article screenshot 1

How To Make Distributions to a Special Needs Trust

how to make distributions to a spt screenshot 1
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